5 Powerful Quotes From 5 Modern Successful Writers That Will Change Your Life - Mullin Stack
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5 Powerful Quotes From 5 Modern Successful Writers That Will Change Your Life

By the Author

#1 You need to go deeper, not wider — Darius Foroux

I don’t know exactly when I became obsessed with quotes. I have been writing it down everywhere since I was a teenager.

Nowadays, I enjoy sharing a daily quote either on Slack’s work chats, Whatsapp groups, or any social network I belong to.

I do it genuinely. I don’t want to prove anything, I just want to express my feelings and beliefs over the quotes.

Quotes have changed my life. They are the booster for my day; they are the breathing to start a writing session. They chill me down when I am sharing them.

All of them have profoundly touched my soul and my life, and I am sure they did the same for more than one out there.

We are just humans.

I am a true believer that we constantly need something or someone who acts as a pusher to get things done, who moves us forward toward our dreams.

…And that’s what exactly quotes do. They are the pusher, the booster, the catalyst, the gasoline that our mind and body need.

Whenever I read a quote on a piece that touched me, I write them down and immediately share it over my networks.

Here is a curated list of the most powerful, impactful, and deeper quotes from contemporary successful writers.

1. You need to go deeper, not wider — Darius Foroux

This is my favorite. I am intimately tied to it.

Let’s outline a few scenarios of how this applies in our lives.

First, our modern world is in a rush, so then it is trying to build things superficially. We are fully obsessed with the surface of things. The worst is that we think we are doing it right.

We often build shallow relationships with our friends, wives, girlfriends, and the most important one — with ourselves.

Secondly, if we now jump on the writing ground, we forget that we need to create not only a strong but also a profound connection with our readers.

That intention to connect in a deeper way with the reader moves away when we are obsessed with claps, views, and the traction of the piece.

Finally, when it comes to learning, we often think that learning horizontally will open more opportunities. This might be true as long as you want to be an average person or tolerate low-level living.

Yet, if you want to stand up from the crowd, you will need to bet on deeper learning, otherwise, you will lose your chances to achieve it.

Bet on having a decent knowledge of anything and be an expert at something. Go from the root to the leaves.

2- Earning money online is a privilege, not an entitlement. — Tim Denning

Tim is a writer I respect immensely. I have been following his outstanding, powerful, and human-sense work for almost three years. I have been touched profoundly.

In every single piece of his, you will find at least one powerful quote either by himself or from another author.

One of them that changed my perspective of online business was this.

Earning money online is a privilege, not an entitlement. — Tim

We take for granted that make money online is an entitlement that everyone has won just because of the simple fact we do write.

While it is true, we have the freedom to perform actions to make money, it doesn’t mean it is an entitlement to get it.

If we really want to grow from the ground so we will need to embrace the fact that making money online is a privilege.

We are still alive here, thanks to our readers who spend their priceless time reading our pieces.

They have trusted in us. Just like right now, you are reading it.

Money distracts us from delivering the right content.

And sometimes we misunderstand that to make money is an entitlement you have won for the thousands of words you have written. Which is totally wrong.

3- Your Life is a Direct Product of Your Standards — Benjamin Hardy

Who you are and where you are now is your, and only your , entire responsibility.

No one else is responsible for the current state of your life. Even if someone or something hurt you at some point.

As the same author says, “if you are willing to tolerate low-level living, that’s what exactly you’ll get.”

Your life standards determine the final version of yourself. They also determine how well you will perform in any area of your life as a father, as a husband, as a teammate, etc.

Low standards

I have been doing regular workouts since I was a teenager. Yet lately I easily fall into the junk food temptation.

So I need to set a high standard on this to get out of it.

Blaming others is super easy. Build awareness and acknowledge our mistakes is a fu*** tough thing. We have to it at some point, anyway.

4. Rich people buy luxuries from the money their money made them; poor people buy luxuries from the sweat of their brow and hard labor — Anthony Moore

Sorry this is a too-long quote, but it doesn’t matter because its impact on the pursuit of financial freedom is brutal.

Who doesn’t want financial freedom in this world? Everybody!

Anthony is highlighting the big differences in our relationship with money.

Rich people play in a different way than us — the poor. We grew up with certain wrong beliefs about money.

Chasing money is bad.

Money is not happiness.

Money makes people selfish, and the list goes on…

We were taught instead, go to classes, get good grades and find a job. This has killed thousands of dreams. Education isn’t wrong, the way we built the system is the problem.


Having said that, we can make a big stop here and start to understand how money really works. I started out to see this when I realized I was in a really huge debt situation.

The root causes why I fell into that situation wasn’t that I bought luxuries. The reality was I hadn’t understood how money works and how to build the best relationship with it.

4- Stop trying to reinvent the wheel — Rotate it instead — Michael Thompson

In the software development field which I am in, this is something we hear constantly and everywhere.

In that field, reinvent the wheel means duplicating a basic method or functionality that has already been created or optimized by others. So you don’t need to do it again, you need to just use it instead.

When it comes to writing, it means that you don’t need to try to overthink your pieces trying to make them so original. Even more so if you are just starting out your writing career.

Look for perfection is basically reinvent the wheel. You are trying to do something against what has been tested for others before.

We spend too much of our limited time and energy on thinking that our audience will love our work because we have a unique way to share things. Oops! You’re wrong.

You will find your unique voice over the writing process.

Don’t chase perfection. Bet on progress instead.

5- Write to expand your influence, not your wallet — Stephen Moore

First thing first.

Every writer and blogger has different life situations. Some of us might have debt-free and no worries about money, so following Sphene’s advice could be easy.

Yet, others might have not the same luck. They need money to survive today. They are in urgent need to put food on the table. They are in survival mode.

At some point in my career, I was in survival mode too, so I understand those guys in the same situation very well.

Those life’s situations could determine or change the perspective to write to expand our influence or to put a few pennies into the pocket.


While it is true that being in a survival mode is tough, you have to think in the long run somehow. So your hurry won’t change the outcome the high-quality of your work eventually will though.

Final Thoughts

I am really obsessed with quotes. I am intimately connected to them, so I want to share everywhere and become a better person thanks to them.

Quotes have become the booster, the catalyst, the gasoline to inspire me and also others.

Quotes changed my life not only because of the meaning of themselves but also because of the guys who stated them, they lived through them.

Whatever the field you are in, prefer to go deeper rather than wider. For sure, this will make sense if you want to stand out from the crowd.

Set high standards. Your life is a direct product of your standards.

Finally, don’t reinvent the wheel every idea or thought you have now had already been thought by some else before. So just do it!

Thanks for reading!

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